Monday, June 2, 2014

Thing 5 - Notetaking

This thing will be really useful for me.  I am list person and with my background as a computer programmer and project manager I am very task and project oriented.  I installed the Bamboo Paper app and was very taken with the handwriting and drawing interface.  I even went out and bout a stylus.  But when I dug further into the app I found it was more oriented to drawing and creative note taking than it was to task and project management.  I kept it installed because I was still playing with the sketching interface but went onto find an app that was really more task oriented.  What I am really after is a calendar, task and diary app that would replace my paper Day Timer.  The icing on the cake would be a tablet app that I could sync up with my Windows Live Calender and Events on my PC.

So I installed Remember the Milk.  This is more on line with what I had in mind.  But it has no handwriting interface. :( So what I would really like to have is a list and task organizer that allows handwritten task and note records.  I will keep looking for this kind of app but in the meantime I will begin to use "Milk" and type my tasks in along with my Day Timer to see if this kind of app will suit my needs.  Kind of a disappointing thing so far but I expected some apps to be dazzlers and others to do of little use.  But this is ok and all part of the learning process.